Hello, I'm Debbie,
And I am looking forward to meeting you. I suspect we have a common goal and that is you living the BEST life for the entire time you are on this planet! To do that, you are going to have to win the battle with Type 2 Diabetes and it IS do-able. Know that I care if you succeed, and let me tell you how I came to be so passionate about it.
I'm just a small town girl from Texas who pursued a degree in nutrition, returned to that small town to raise my family, and spent the next 30 years helping people win the battle with Type 2 Diabetes.
I never planned it... Diabetes found me.
The D2Goal Method (Diabetes 2 Goal) was developed to meet a need. I got tired of seeing people fail with Type 2 Diabetes!
The diets didn't work ... the learning curve was too hard and no one seemed to care that people were failing!
I KNEW there had to be a way to make this easier and less overwhelming for people. A way to....
Enjoy eating AND control blood sugars without burdensome exchanges and diets.
To eat out with family and friends ... to be NORMAL and healthy.
To regain energy and to feel good again.
To regain the power to CHOOSE what to eat like everyone without diabetes.
To stop the mood swings
To achieve normal blood sugars without a herculean effort.
To avoid adding medication after medication.
To avoid low blood sugars without having high blood sugars.
To find a physician that cared and that was giving good care for Type 2 diabetes.
To lose weight without FOCUSING on weight loss.
I spent years asking,
What would make this easier FOR YOU?
What would help YOU succeed?
So much of my life is in this method....and the lives of the people I worked with.
The D2Goal Method is the answer to those questions and I was right ...there was a much better way.
I want YOU to know:
Type 2 Diabetes is beatable.
There ARE good answers to your questions.
It DOESN'T have to be so hard.
It's possible to achieve normal blood sugars, regain your energy, achieve weight loss, reduce or eliminate medication and yes, ENJOY EATING again.
Winning this challenge...it's personal to me.
Do YOU want to live your BEST life without any complications from diabetes? Yes?
Well, that right there is what get's this small town girl up in the morning. I can’t wait to hear your story.
Talk soon,

And Remember...
Not only are you on a journey to win the battle against Type 2 Diabetes.....every penny of your program fee goes directly to helping someone at Elsewhere Ministries win their battle against addiction! That's what we call a "Win-Win"!
About Debbie
I'm a Certified Diabetes Educator, Registered Dietitian, and Diabetes health coach with a unique approach to Type 2 Diabetes. I'm a hard working, Yorkie-loving, Paris-obsessed, stubborn-over-achiever, a master-baker, interior decorator, motivational speaker and landscaping fiend! I am a child of God, daughter, sister, aunt, mother, wife, and friend.
I'm not just one thing... and neither are you.
- Married for 35 years to Bob Latham.... he is the guy everyone wants to be around... really.
- We have a daughter and a son. Each contributing to Elsewhere Ministries.
In 2019 we moved to the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina to open Elsewhere Ministries, Inc to minister to men & women in transition.
Life can be complicated...and amazing.
I am about helping you build a bridge from that diagnosis of diabetes to GOAL....to your BEST life....to YOU living it out.... starting....
How about now?